
In the fast-evolving landscape of enterprise conversational AI, understanding user interactions and intentions, together with agents and bot performance, is crucial for success. Hubtype is excited to announce the launch of our new Analytics product, designed to provide our customers with powerful insights into their conversations, projects, bots, and agents activities.

The Challenges

As businesses increasingly rely on conversational AI to engage with their customers, they face unique challenges in managing and optimizing these interactions. Some of the key challenges include:

  1. Usage Monitoring: Understanding the real-time usage of the platform is vital for efficient resource allocation and billing accuracy. Customers need to effortlessly track Monthly Active Users (MAUs) and compare them to contracted quotas.
  2. Handoff Optimization: The seamless transition of conversations from bots to human agents is critical for customer satisfaction. Customers struggle with finding the right balance between automated interactions and human intervention. Analyzing handoff performance is essential for refining this delicate balance.
  3. Team and Project Management: Managing teams and projects efficiently is a complex task. Customers require detailed insights into the performance of individual team members and the progress of ongoing projects. Our Analytics product addresses these challenges head-on.


Product Walkthrough Guide

Let's explore the key sections of our Analytics product to understand how each addresses the unique challenges faced by our customers.

Overview page

This is the main page of analytics, which showcases the most important high level metrics to assess the performance of your conversations. The overview has two sections: Active users and account usage and Handoff performance, more will come in the future.

πŸ’‘ Tip: remember to use tooltips to read the definition of the dashboard metrics. Also hover on the visualizations to deep dive into the information



1. Monthly Usage Metrics

Here you can find information about active users and accounts usage relevant for your billing:

  • Monthly active users: Visualize the monthly active users, helping customers gauge the engagement level with their conversational AI.
  • MAUs this month: Compare contracted MAUs with actual usage, ensuring accurate billing and resource planning.
  • Account usage: Monitor the number of active accounts compared to the contracted ones, providing valuable insights into user engagement

2. Handoff Performance

Analyze and compare information about handoff and conversations over time, to find the right balance between them:

  • Handoff monthly: Track the number of conversations over time, and compare with the handoff rate.
  • Handoff Rate: Visualize at any time the average percentage of conversations handed off to human agents over the last 30 days.
  • Conversations: Display the total number of conversations in the last 30 days, offering real-time insights into enduser engagement.



Team Section

This section helps you gain insights about the performance of team members, such as number of assigned cases, initial response time, % of resolved cases, CSAT, and more.


1. Top agents

Just select the team members you want to analyze the data for on the left side, and consult the results in the visualizations on the right. In this way you will be able to analyze and compare team members based on the following metrics:

  • Assigned cases: Compare the total number of assigned cases in the selected period, and compare with the resolution rate.
  • Average initial resolution time: Compare the average resolution time by team member in the given period.
  • Resolved cases by channel: visualize the share of resolved cases by team member, by channel.
  • Average workload overtime: for each individual, see the percentage of the time the agent has been in each status within the selected period.


2. Agents data

This table shows data about all the agents or team members attending cases, overall or by queue. Check cases attended, resolved and discarded, together with the following metrics:

  • Avg. Resolution time: Average time from the first message from a client until the case is closed or discarded within the selected period
  • Avg. Agent Response time: Average time of all the messages sent by the agent in a case within the selected period
  • SLA: Percentage of cases in which the agent's first message is sent respecting the time limit defined in the Service Level Agreement within the selected period
  • CSAT: Customer satisfaction rating of the cases resolved by the agent within the selected period
  • Channels: channels through which a message has been sent by the agent within the selected period
πŸ’‘ Tip: you can export the data from the table by clicking on this icon on the right side of the table:


Projects Section

Here you can consult a series of performance metrics, choosing which specific period to analyze, and, if needed, comparing with a corresponding period.

1. General

  • Attended Cases: NΒΊ of cases where an agent has sent a message within the selected period
  • Customer satisfaction: Average customer satisfaction rating (1= lowest, 5= highest) for discarded or resolved cases within the selected period
  • Resolved Cases: Number of cases that were resolved within the selected period
  • SLA: Percentage of cases in which the agent's first message is sent respecting the time limit defined in the Service Level Agreement, within the selected time period
  • Discarded Cases: Number of cases that were discarded within the selected period
  • Avg. Client waiting Time: Average time agents took to respond considering all messages sent within the selected period
  • Avg. cases per agent: Number of active cases per agent, considering agents who have sent at least one message within the selected period
  • Avg. Resolution time: Average time from the first message from a client until the case is closed or discarded, within the selected period

2. Customizable section

Filter by project, queue, and channel, and visualize:

  • Attended cases by project: How many cases have been attended in each project
  • Customer satisfaction: Timeline of the average customer satisfaction rating of resolved or discarded cases by project
  • Service level agreement: Timeline of the percentage of cases in which the agent's first message is sent within the time limit defined in the Service Level Agreement, by Project
  • Projects data: information on each individual project
πŸ’‘ Tip: you can export the data from the table by clicking on this icon on the right side of the table: