Knowledge Bases

The purpose of this product is to simplify the way to provide knowledge to the conversational apps. This means to create a knowledge base, be able to upload documents to it, manage them and be autonomous in the whole process.

What are knowledge sources?

Knowledge sources are the information that can be uploaded to the knowledge base to provide the conversational app with all the context needed to generate responses to end users. At the moment, knowledge sources should be in PDF, word, txt, excel and csv format, but we are working hard to introduce the possibility of include URLs as sources.

How to create & manage a knowledge base

Access to the knowledge base product

The knowledge base product is located on the Hubtype Dashboard, so the first thing you have to do to create a new one, is to log into your account and then access to the A.I. section. The access to this section is located on the navigation bar on the left of the screen. It has two status:

  • Collapsed: Hover on the brain icon and then click on “Knowledge base”.
  • Uncollapsed: Click on “Knowledge base”.
Navigation bar

Knowledge base creation

Once you have access to the Knowledge bases product, you will arrive to a screen where you can create new knowledge bases. To create one, you have to click on the “Create knowledge base +” button on the center of the screen.

Knowledge base

Once you have clicked on the button, a pop up window will appear to create the knowledge bae.

To be able to create it, you must give it a name and upload at least one document. Bear in mind that you can upload as many documents as you want in this step, but you could also manage your documents once you have created the knowledge base.

⚠️ Some errors may occur when loading documents, which are explained in the error section of this documentation.

To continue with the knowledge base creation, you only have to click on the “Create” button, it will be created and a new row with three columns will appear on the knowledge bases table:

  • Knowledge base: Name of the knowledge base.
  • Knowledge sources: A list of the knowledge sources you have uploaded to the knowledge base.
  • Last updated: Information about the last update with the date and the name of the person that made these last update.

Please note that there can only be one knowledge base per conversational app, so you must include all the information you want to be used in a specific conversational app in one knowledge base.

Access to the knowledge base

Once you have created the knowledge base, you can access to it by clicking on the knowledge base row and you will see two tabs:

  • Knowledge sources (1): In this tab you can manage the knowledge sources you have on your knowledge base. You can upload new ones and remove or downloading the ones already uploaded. The number between brackets informs you about how many knowledge sources are uploaded into the knowledge base.

If there are not knowledge sources uploaded yet, a screen where you can upload new ones will be displayed. To create one, you have to click on the “Upload knowledge source” button on the center of the screen.

The system modal with access to the local documents will be displayed so you could select the documents you want to upload. You only have to select the ones you want to upload and click on the “Open” button.

⚠️ Some errors may occur when loading documents, which are explained in the error section of this documentation.

Settings: In this tab you will be able to change the name of the knowledge base, see information about the creation and last update, and delete the knowledge base.

To change the name you only have click on the “Name” input, change the name and click on the “Save” button. This last one will be only enabled when you make any change on the knowledge base name.

To delete the knowledge base you have to click on the “Delete knowledge base” button, a pop up window will appear with the confirmation to delete it. If you want to delete it click on “Delete knowledge base” and if you don’t want to, just click on the “Cancel” button and you will return to the “Settings” tab.

Errors when uploading knowledge sources

When you upload knowledge sources into a knowledge base some errors may occur both, when you upload documents on the knowledge base creation modal, or when you try to upload documents within the knowledge base.

The types of errors are explained below

  • Content already exists: When you try to upload a knowledge source that has the exact same content of one that is already uploaded.
Knowledge sources tab within the knowledge base
Create knowledge base pop up
  • Source already exists: When you try to upload a knowledge source with the exact same name as one that is already uploaded. In this case you can choose to replace it, but bear in mind that this replacement is irreversible, so we recommend to download the previous source in case you want to go back to it.
Knowledge sources tab within the knowledge base
Create knowledge base pop up
  • Larger than 10MB: When you try to upload a knowledge source that is larger than 10MB. If this is the case, we recommend you to divide the knowledge source in various documents and upload them separately.
Knowledge sources tab within the knowledge base
Create knowledge base pop up